What does it mean to be comfortable in your skin?

In recent times, people all over the globe have been struggling to accept themselves as worthy and distinct individuals. Teenagers today have been facing issues related to body image when they transition from childhood to adulthood. They are obsessing about their body and often have a distorted image stemming either from negativity around them or personal insecurities. This leads to unhappiness and a constant urge of being “perfect”. As a result , young adults spend huge amounts of time looking in mirrors, fixing their hair, and adjusting things to appear pleasing to everyone else .

 But what does being comfortable in your skin imply? Well for one it doesn’t mean to be critical about yourself, it doesn’t mean being stagnant in your life and never adapting to change and it doesn’t mean being narcissistic or prideful. It means to have that belief in yourself, that confidence in one’s abilities because confidence plays an important role in an individual’s journey to accepting themselves.

beautiful u

When you feel confident from within, it shows in your actions, personal demeanour, and social interaction. Confidence gives you that boost to stand up for yourself and makes you stand out from the crowd. 

Being comfortable in your own skin comes with a lot of acceptance with respect to your flaws and your weaknesses. Embrace your imperfections. If everyone is perfect then it’ll be a world full of identical robots.

 To achieve this, one needs to let go of the beauty standards set by society.Social media posts and influencers often show you a picture that is rather perfect and it is natural to get swayed by it. But social media is a hoax and often encourages feelings like self-loathing, jealousy, toxic comparison and the need to look ‘perfect’.  Flaunting what you have and feeling proud of yourself is very important. Whether you have loose skin, are skinny, have an acne face or even stretch marks, one needs to break away from the shackles of unrealistic beauty standards and appreciate ourselves. You shouldn’t be losing weight because of the need to fit in that beauty norm, that need to change and get back in shape should come from within you and not due to external pressures.

Everyone needs to understand this phrase and live by it” I am not for Everyone and That’s Okay” Respect the differences, accept what is and what isn’t. Stop comparing your accomplishments with others. Don’t feel disheartened if you haven’t been able to create a perfect CV, if you haven’t been able to keep up with assignments or work experiences like your peers.

Don’t forget that small progress is progress and one shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Everyone has their own way of facing things and getting things done, its not a race and don’t try to be in one with your friends and peers. Strive to do better each and every day and to be a better version of yourself. Identify and focus on your strengths and work towards enhancing them.


Some ways of being comfortable in your own skin


  1. When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, avoid giving negative remarks related to your life, your body and your career. Instead, start appreciating and accepting yourself, compliment yourself when you achieve something, no matter how little it may be.
  2. Remember the days when you felt confident
  3. Keep yourself surrounded by people who support you and let go of the ones who always try to bring you down
  4. Set boundaries and maintain them
  5. Spend some ‘me-time’ with yourself and reflect on your negative self-tendencies.
  6. Engage in positive self-talk
  7. Don’t let anyone take you for granted. Be assertive and stay true to who you are as a person
  8. Indulge in self-care and meditation
  9. Pamper yourself and go on solo dates. Enjoy your own company.
  10. Don’t look for happiness in someone or someplace. Start enjoying your own company and find happiness in the little joys of life.


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