The word HEALTH itself has “ HEAL” in it. To heal something, you first have to accept it the way it is and then take intended actions to work upon it, to make it the way you want it to be.

The past year has made us realize the importance of a Healthy Life- be it Physical or Mental. Well, we always talked about Physical health openly, now it’s time to make some space for Mental Health as well.

A new year and a lot of resolutions are must be on their way already. So, what are your top 3 resolutions this year? I am just hoping you have kept Health above Hustle and Sleep above Success! Because they are a necessity for you to achieve your goals.

“You can buy the most expensive mattress out there, but if you can’t sleep, it all goes in vain.”

Mental Health Check List Alert!

Five obvious things in your Mental Health Checklist of 2022 would be-

  • Priorities

Set them and work upon them one after the other. Priorities are set in a hierarchy, the most important ones come on the top and others follow it for a reason. And your mental health is not even a priority but a necessity that you need to prioritize this year.

“Don’t be a Jack of all priorities but master one at a time”


  • Healthy Meals and Exercise.

Meals and movement would help you feel alive and kicking. The food you eat affects your body, head to toe. A healthy meal and exercising help in boosting the happy hormones.

“I wish you a DOSE of Happiness this year”

(Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins)


  • Talk it out.

To take it out, you have got to talk it out. Talking about your feelings is not a weakness but a sign of strength that shows how willing are you to take action for your well-being. When you open about your feelings it helps you and also the other person to do the same. Hence, a win-win situation!

Bottle up the pickle, not the pain!”

  • Sound Sleep.

Particular hours of sleep are needed for your physical and mental well-being. Sleep and mental health are interrelated. Mental health is affected due to sleep deprivation whereas some mental disorders cause insomnia. Rest, you know the drill!

“A Sound sleep sounds good”


  • GRWM

Not Get Ready With Me but GRWM stands for Gratitude, Reflection, Well-being, and Meditation. Or maybe do get ready with me to do all of these in 2022 because it’s definitely on my list!

In addition to the above points, here are some other things to add to the list-

  • Take out time for a breathing spell.

Never underestimate the power of leisure. You don’t find time for leisure rather you make time for it. It doesn’t have to be a physical activity always. Follow your heart, your mood, and your needs.

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”- Blaise Pascal


  • Build and protect your boundaries. Again, and again!

Promises are might meant to be broken but not boundaries. Identify your limits, set boundaries, and lastly do not forget to communicate them to others. Save your energy, time, and peace of mind for people who deserve them.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will your boundaries”


  • Social (Media) Creatures to Social Creatures.

Social media and networking sites are a great way to stay in touch with people you can’t meet in person. But what about the people that you can. Try having more in-person meetings (of course only when Covid allows you to!) FaceTime can never surpass the power of face-to-face conversations. We are after all social creatures and human touch is our essence (sanitized one!)

Do things that genuinely make you happy, not just in Reel life but in Real life too”


  • Take responsibility for your healing.

What hurt you was never in your control, but the healing is. Let the pain, the suffering grow through you. It’s time to embrace it courageously and move forward. Take back your power and reclaim the self-worth you wasted on people who never deserved even an ounce of it.

“Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it”- Tori Amos


  • Acceptance

Acceptance is the first action you take towards your healing journey. Accept that rough times are a part and parcel of one’s life, it will always be there. All you have to do is focus on things that are in your control. Work on yourself and your skills to face such times. Build resilience – the power of bouncing back!

“Stress management ki ninja technique- Resilience!”


It’s time to focus on SELF!

S – STAND for yourself.

E – ELEVATE yourself.

L – LOVE yourself.

F – FORGIVE yourself.


-Deebha Sithta

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  1. I loved how beautifully and simply u have explained everything,nd these steps if followed actually work, as u said, it isn’t gonna happen overnight bt it’ll definitely help one to know oneself better as I believe that is exactly where we are lacking,not putting needed efforts to get to know ourselves nd u my girl are helping so many people out there who need to hear this.Super proud of you .😘

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