If each chapter of a book that you’re reading has the same story, same characters, same places, and the same ending. Would you be reading it?

Don’t you love the new twists, the character makeovers, and an even better ending? Don’t you love the change that they take up along the way? You do, right?!

So, why fear it when it comes to your own life. Why resist change when it’s the only thing irresistible and constant.

What is the synonym of Change? It’s New Beginnings.

I bet they didn’t teach you this in school.


There is Beauty in every new Beginning that often takes time to unfold and for you to realize the same. So, what’s magical about New Beginnings?

  • It is a start to an end.

It starts with an end of a past beginning that you have no control over now but begins with a story that you can consciously make decisions about.

“Celebrate endings- for they precede new beginnings.”- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • It gives you a chance to start fresh, start over.

You don’t scribble over the same page again and again. You take up a new one and start fresh. There is a whole book to work upon so don’t just limit yourself to a single page.

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”- Carl Bard

  • A chance to apply the lessons learned in the past. Bring them to action.

It’s your story and only you own the copyright to it. Take it upon you, for a different ending to happen you have got to write or even re-write a different story.

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”- Henry Ford

  • Teaches the Power of Letting Go.

Let go of the things, people, habits, relationships, and anything that doesn’t bring you happiness, peace, and purpose in life. The more you hold on tight to things the less space there is for them to breathe and bloom. It takes the same amount of strength to let go of something as it does to hold on to it.

We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea.” -C. JoyBell C.

  • You have the Answers to your What Ifs, not the Assumptions.

Living in assumptions of what you could have been if taken that step is no living at all. Every new beginning gives you that chance of having your clear answers so you don’t live on assumptions.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”- Lao Tzu

  • You choose Faith over Fear.

Fear does nothing but only holds you back. Faith gives you the courage to face the things fear doesn’t let you. When you start over or begin something new keep faith as your friend and head on high.

 “The wind of change is here to help you fly; you must choose Flight over Fear.”

So, hold tight my friend because this one is going to be an incredible ride!


But, give it a CHANCE

And it might give you the COURAGE, you were looking for all this while.

-Deebha Sithta

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