“Atomic Habits” by James Clear: A Student’s Review – A Guide to Improving Your Study Habits

Are you feeling frustrated with your current study habits?

Do you feel like they are holding you back from achieving your academic goals? If so, then you might want to consider reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I recently read this book, and in this blog post, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on it and how it has helped me improve my approach to studying as a student.

Are you feeling frustrated with your current study habits?

Do you feel like they are holding you back from achieving your academic goals? If so, then you might want to consider reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I recently read this book, and in this blog post, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on it and how it has helped me improve my approach to studying as a student.

An Introduction to “Atomic Habits.”

“Atomic Habits” is a ground-breaking book that looks into the science of habit formation and offers actionable solutions for developing positive habits and breaking bad ones.

James Clear introduces the concept of “atomic habits,” which are tiny changes that produce remarkable results over time. Clear claims that by focusing on making tiny gains consistently, we may accomplish exceptional results in many aspects of our lives, including academics.

How “Atomic Habits” Changed My Studying Routine

I had a hard time as a student sticking to a regular study schedule and frequently found myself putting off or being easily distracted. But after reading “Atomic Habits,” I understood that I could use its ideas to improve my academic performance, even if it was only 1% at a time. Here’s how I benefited from the book:


1. Putting the One Percent Rule into Practice

I connected with the idea of the 1% rule, which encourages daily tiny, gradual progress.

Rather than attempting to completely change my study schedule all at once, I began by making minor changes, like studying an extra 10 minutes per day or segmenting my study sessions into more manageable chunks. Thus, just by attempting to focus for an additional ten minutes each day, my attention span is getting a lot better.


2. Habit Stacking

The book Introduces the idea of habit stacking, which involves attaching a new habit to an existing one to make it easier to adopt.


3. Environment Design

Creating a successful environment for myself was another important lesson I learned from the book.

I made small adjustments to my study area, like keeping my phone/laptop out of sight, placing books 15 min before starting the study session, and making it calm and orderly so that I could work intently.

In short, I kept all the distracting objects out of sight and only surrounded myself with the inputs from which I needed the specific task to be done. This helped me reduce interruptions and increase my level of focus during study periods.

Examples of My Daily Routine

Here’s a sneak peek at my daily schedule, which was motivated by the ideas presented in the book “Atomic Habits”:


Morning Routine: I begin my day with a little mindfulness exercise to set the tone for the day ahead after getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep. Afterward, I make a cup of green tea and spend 5-10 minutes reviewing my goals and priorities for the day, including my study objectives. Before starting any other activity, even for five to ten minutes, I also like to move my body since it truly motivates me to go through the day.


Study Sessions: Throughout the day, I incorporate short study sessions into my schedule, typically lasting 40-60 minutes each. I keep track of how much time I take to read, understand, and learn in one study session. Noticeably this period is increasing by 15-20 minutes each week. My capacity to learn has also increased because of my consistent practice. I concentrate on a single topic/ subject during these periods and use time management strategies along with effective learning strategies.


Habit Stacking: To put this theory into effect, I schedule my study sessions or other habits around usual hobbies, such as a cup of green tea in the morning before meditating or listening to a favorite song after a study session.

Furthermore, I prioritized my desired goals (listening to my favourite music) after the activities I needed to complete (completing my assignment) as mentioned in the book. I found it easier to stick to my study routine when I combined learning with things I already enjoyed. It helped me beat procrastination quickly.


Evening Reflection: I use the time before going to bed to analyze where I’ve come from and what still needs work. I’ve kept a journal in which I record my daily improvement by answering questions such, as “Did I repeat any bad habit today?”, “Was I successful in implementing the existing solutions to the problems?”, “What can I do to make things better?” and a tonne more. Writing things down helps me clarify what I did yesterday, what I did today, and what I should do tomorrow to achieve my goals.



To sum up, James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” has changed the game for me as a student.

Through the use of the book’s concepts, I’ve been able to improve my ability to study, maintain attention, and advance my academic objectives.

I strongly advise getting a copy of “Atomic Habits” and putting its teachings to use in your own life if you want to change the way you study and succeed academically.


What other aspects of life can be improved by following the principles of Atomic Habits?

  • Overall productivity
  • Health and fitness
  • Relationships
  • Learning and skill development
  • Career advancement
  • Creativity
  • Personal development
Blog By – Kunika Goswami
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